SD Channel 12 Aspen to Catherine Store
Government SD Channel 11 Aspen to Catherine Store
HD Channel 880 Aspen to Glenwood Springs
SD Channel 82 Glenwood Springs to Carbondale
Free Pitkin County Broadcast Channel 12.1
GrassRoots Community Network iOS and Android Apps
Government HD Channel 881 Aspen to Glenwood Springs
GrassRoots’ Value to our Community
"GrassRoots is what this community is all about. It is a huge community asset.” - Debbie Braun, President, Aspen Chamber Resort Association
“GrassRoots TV is a venue for artistic freedom and expression which does not exist on any other channel. It’s a place for voicing opinions and interests, and enables people to produce shows and broadcast them at prices that allow access to everyone."
-Joel Belmont, Glenwood Springs Artist
“This winter, Aspen Words was grateful to have Grassroots film and livestream many of our Winter Words author events with literary luminaries. Jeremy took great care to capture live footage with clarity, which enabled us to share content over YouTube or Facebook, even after the event had passed. Working with Grassroots is easy and stress free!”
- Ellie Scott, Program Coordinator, Aspen Words | Aspen Institute
"It's a venerable and often irreverent community institution. GrassRoots is a marvelous Aspen tradition"
- Helen Klanderud, late Mayor of Aspen
”GrassRoots TV makes the arts available to the people."
-Tom Ward, Aspen Community Theater
“We were so delighted to work with the professionals at Grassroots Community Network for our first annual Compassion Film Fest. John and Jeremy of Grassroots took the time and care to listen to our festival needs and provided planning and implementation of social media programs, livestream broadcasts, event capture, and post event video production.
We use the professional and affordable videos GrassRoots produced on our website and social media avenues to promote our event for this coming year. As an organization that focuses on promoting compassionate action in the world, we often are in need of more affordable yet professional marketing and media solutions. Grassroots fills this need for us and so many others. We love Grassroots efforts!"
- Aaron Taylor, Compassion Fest and Way of Compassion Foundation, Carbondale
"GrassRoots TV is a vital link for community information."
- Bruce Benjamin, Pitkin County Sheriff's Department
"We've got seniors, we've got teens, and we've got weirdoes and ski bums. GrassRoots is television of the people, by the people, for the people. It’s the last bastion of messy vitality in Aspen, Colorado.”
- Jerry Bovino, community producer, The Jerry Bovino Show
The Aspen Art Museum has collaborated with GrassRoots to record both onsite lectures and studio productions of the show “Art Matters” hosted by Heidi Zuckerman, and as a result they have helped us capture some incredible content. The team is always flexible and supportive of the evolving, dynamic programming that keeps our work exciting!
- Michelle Dezember, former Chief Program Officer - Aspen Art Museum
“GrassRoots reminds me of the great dive bars in Aspen that aren’t there anymore.”
- Overheard at a fundraiser
"GrassRoots is a marvelous way to temper the tendency to polarize."
- Pat Milligan, Sandwich Board Lady
“Our experience working with GrassRoots TV this year was incredibly easy. They didn't require a lot of our time. We gave them a description of our event and the kind of coverage we were hoping to get, and they were able to run with it. The footage we got was great quality, and we're excited to use it for upcoming projects!”
-Jenne Turner, The Public Interest Network
"GrassRoots helped me take a dream and make it a reality."
- Alecia Evans, Community Producer
"GrassRoots television is for people who don't like television."
- Rabbi Mendle Mintz, Jewish Community Center
"People email and stop us all the time in public to talk about our Sustainable Solutions show on GrassRoots TV. To get a professionally produced half hour broadcast to over 30,000 people, available as a web cast for downloads, and to link to our Website is an incredible deal, especially at their non-profit rate.
-Brook Le Van, Executive Director, Sustainable Settings
"GrassRoots is a community asset with many programs of local interest."
- Connie Harvey, local environmentalist
“I wanted to thank you again for all your hard work and dedication for community TV! The carshare program, Car To Go, recently needed to create a video to show new members joining the program how to utilize the program and the reservation software. The educational tutorial video was professionally created from start to finish with all the Grassroots TV staff!
Editing was superb and the follow up for minor changes we had was handled accordingly and efficiently with Grassroots staff! The video has helped reduce staff time for new member orientations, thus creating more time for other carshare efforts and program improvements. Thank you Grassroots TV!"
- Jeffrey Winter, City of Aspen Transportation Department